Governance incentives to increase the use of biodegradable materials

Claire Armstrong
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Leader Research Area 4, Governance incentives
ContactKey research and development tasks:
4.1: Economic effects of non-biodegradable materials used in fisheries and aquaculture.
4.2: Costs and benefits related to ecosystem services from introducing biodegradable materials in the fisheries and aquaculture industries.
4.3: Institutional incentives to increase the use of biodegradable applications used in marine industries and help supporting the public support systems to reduce risk and promote implementation of biodegradable innovations.
Standal, D., Hersoug, B.: Walking sideways? Management of the Norwegian snow crab fishery Marine Policy Vol 165, 2024.
Do, H.-L., & Armstrong, C. W. (2023). Ghost fishing gear and their effect on ecosystem services – Identification and knowledge gaps. Marine Policy, 150, 105528.
Standal D., Grimaldo E., B. Larsen R. (2020). Governance implications for the implementation of biodegradable gillnets in Norway. Marine policy, Volume 122.