
Researching on incentives for bioplastics in aquaculture

April 26th, 2024 | Research

Lorenzo Mucciarelli from Italy is one of the newest additions amongst SFI Dsolve`s PhD candidates. He is working in Research Area 4, particularly focusing on plastic pollution in the aquaculture sector, and incentives necessary to shift the industry towards the adoption of bioplastics.

Who is Lorenzo Mucciarelli?

-   I`m a 24-year-old, who love hiking, being out in the nature, cooking and travelling. Professionally I have my background from Environmental economics, with a Bsc in economics from Maastricht University in the Netherlands, and a Msc in environmental and Natural Resource Economics from Copenhagen University in Denmark. Before joining Dsolve I also did a 4-month Traineeship at the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)


What is the Scientific focus of your PhD?

- During my PhD program I aim to investigate the environmental issues generated by the aquaculture sector with a specific focus on plastic pollution. I’ll also work on governance aspects necessary to incentivize the industry towards more sustainable practices, and more in general, I will examine locals’ environmental concerns related to aquaculture.


 What will be your main contribution to Dsolve?

-  I would like to provide by the end of the PhD a deeper knowledge about plastic pollution generated by the aquaculture sector, and the incentives necessary to shift the industry towards the adoption of bioplastics.


Why do you find this field interesting and what is your main motivation to contribute to this work?

-  Aquaculture is one of the world’s fastest growing food sectors worldwide, set to play a crucial role in fulfilling the UN sustainable goal of zero hunger. However, there are many environmental concerns arising around this sector and the research is still lacking behind.

I would like to contribute to a better understanding of the industry from an environmental and economic perspective.

 Why do you find this project important?

-  Plastic pollution in sea bodies is extremely harmful both to the environment as well as to humans. I find that Dsolve is so important because the project is fighting the plastic pollution issue together with partners in the fishing and aquaculture industry, actually providing concreate and alternative solutions to traditional plastic gear.


What do you think is the most exciting or interesting that have come out of the project so far?

- I believe that seeing fishing gear made from bioplastic actually performing similarly to traditional ones is both interesting and exciting and provides a great starting point for the implementation and development of these technologies in larger scale and in more sectors. 


What are you looking forward to experience through your work in Dsolve? 

-  I believe that working in Dsolve will give me the opportunity to interact and understand the perspectives of different actors in the industry. I am looking forward to sustaining the transition towards more sustainable fishing and aquaculture sectors.