
SFI Dsolve has attended the first International Conference on Ghostgear

November 15th, 2023 | Conference

SFI Dsolve has attended the first International Conference on Ghostgear organized by Havforskningsinstituttet, Fiskeridirektoratet and Handelens Miljøfond in Arendal, Norway this week - in partnership with the Global Ghostgear Initiative and Senter mot marin forsøpling. Dr Christian Karl from Sintef, leader of our Research Area 2 on assessment of biodegradability, presented the challenges and solutions of recycled and biodegradable plastics for marine applications. SFI Dsolve were also represented with two poster presentations at this very important event. The conference brought together managers, researchers and specialists in ghost gear removal and gear producers to find solutions for how to reduce the effects of ghost gear on marine populations and ecosystems..